In order to be effective to students, Labour Market Information (LMI) must become meaningful and personal. Students will have an opportunity to explore what the labour market means to them, learn about the kind of information that can be found in LMI, and understand how LMI can inform career decisions inside, and outside of the province of New Brunswick.
What you learn
- Students will identify and analyze the current challenges faced by New Brunswick in attracting and retaining young talent.
- Activities:
- Learn about PETL and the challenge they are inviting students to solve
- Group discussion on challenges faced by New Brunswick in retaining young talent
- Group activity analyzing data on youth retention initiatives in New Brunswick and other provinces
For Teachers
This workshop includes extension activities that you can use in your classroom, independent of the student modules.
Using the developed Project-Based Learning workshop supports your facilitation and guidance of these student-driven modules.
To learn more about how this project is connected to the New Brunswick Career Education Framework click here.
Key Terms
Specific areas of the economy where businesses share the same or a related product or service. For example, Hospitality and Transportation are different sectors because they do not share a related product or service.
Industry is a term that refers to a sub-section of a sector. A sector can have many industries, and each industry operates differently, with a specific product or service. For example, Hospitality is a sector that includes the restaurant industry, and the hotel industry.
An occupation is a job that someone does based on what they like and the skills they have. They might search for a job in that field, want to keep working in it, or even turn it into a profession if it needs special licenses or certifications.
Payment for work; may often be quoted hourly or annually. Many things can impact the actual wage (what a person is paid for the work they do): how many years they have worked in that occupation, what level of training they have, additional skills or specializations they have, how big or small the company is that they work for, the specifics of the work they need to perform in their role, and the environment(s) they need to work in. The median wage is the middle value when wages are ranked from lowest to highest in numerical order. Wages may be described as:
- The low wage, in most cases, corresponds to the 10th percentile.
For example, if the low wage is $20.00/hour, this means that 10% of the workers in the occupation earn $20.00/hour or less. - The median wage is the indicator of the prevailing wage for each occupation.
the median wage represents the middle point of the wage distribution when wages are ranked in numerical order. - The high wage, in most cases, corresponds to the 90th percentile.
For example, if the high wage is $40.00/hour, this means that 90% of the workers in the occupation earn $40.00/hour or less.
- The low wage, in most cases, corresponds to the 10th percentile.
Job Requirements
Expectations in order to be considered for the job; may include education, training, experience, language, and certifications.
Reflects job opportunities, the predicted labour supply and demand, that may exist over a period of time; this is usually described in terms of how long it may take to get a job in that field:
- undetermined - insufficient information available to support scoring an
occupation; - limited - few jobs available for qualified workers;
- fair - average number of job opportunities available for qualified workers;
- good - above average number of job opportunities available for qualified
- undetermined - insufficient information available to support scoring an
To educators: select from below how you would like to facilitate this workshop. The options include:
- PowerPoint slide deck with facilitator notes for delivery
- Video recording of PowerPoint slide deck narrated by CCDF. Push pause when prompted and whenever you see appropriate to facilitate classroom activities and discussion.
- Utilize a combination of self-facilitated and video recording.
- Preview video recording as a way to guide how you would like to facilitate using the PowerPoint slide deck.
ACTIVITY: Explore Occupations
What occupations are available to me
Explore a chosen career and industry, comparing labour market opportunities in different provinces. Use resources like Job Bank or other provinces' Labour Market Information websites. If needed, explore additional resources for a comprehensive view using Print, People, and Participation.
Download the Career Snapshot worksheets below, and learn about an employment opportunity that is meaningful to you. You will start by exploring a career in NB in the first snapshot and then explore the same career in another province to see the differences.
⬇️ Start your research at NBjobs.ca
Once you have completed the two career snapshot worksheets above and explored a chosen career and industry, comparing labour market opportunities in different provinces you may want to take things a step further.
Download the Compare Employment Opportunities worksheet below, to get a birds-eye-view of how that occupation is situated differently in two different provinces and evaluate the contrast between them and how that would influence your decision on where to go.

Use more than one source of LMI
Consider the what it means to stay, or go
Consider the different challenges in moving -- moving to New Brunswick, or from New Brunswick
Questions? Ask Away!
Do you have a question you want to ask the people who work at PETL?
Ask your questions about the labour market, what PETL does to support career exploration in the province, or anything else that you think would help your class come up with the best solutions you can!
Moving on
Once students have completed their worksheets, they are ready to move on to the next workshop!
They should have
- A thorough understanding of one occupation's LMI from at least two province's perspectives
- Been introduced to another occupation from a peer
- Seen how other provinces deliver LMI to their populations
- Thought about what an occupation specific solution to this challenge could look like.
Extension activities
Looking for more activities that can support this workshop? Browse the resources below. Some can be facilitated, and some are great supporting tools, activities or videos!