
Get started on your Real World LMI Challenge!

Sign up using the form below, and Emily Worthen from the Canadian Career Development Foundation will follow up with you to confirm your interest, and make sure you are set up for success.

Registration gives you early access to the Workshops once available, and to connect directly with the project manager. Registration will keep you updated on changes, new videos or resources, and more information about the final virtual event!

Please input the grade of the classroom in which you will deliver the challenge and lesson plans
Please share the size of the group that you expect will complete the challenge. It can be your whole class, or a small segment of your class!
Please input the class subject in which you will deliver the challenge
Please input the name of the school in which you will deliver the challenge
Please select the school district in which you teach.
Please include any additional questions or comments you may have as we confirm your registration.

Suggested Timeline


Registration Opens

Commit to take the Real World Labour Market Challenge by contacting us. The project team will support you every step of the way.

Participate in the Workshops

Workshop materials become available on March 11th, 2024. Classes can engage in the 4 workshops at anytime between March 11th and the end of April.  Together, your classroom will problem-solve and propose a solution to a Real World Challenge offered by the Government of New Brunswick by May 3rd.

Submit Your Class Pitch

After completing the workshops your class will have presented their LMI-based solutions, examples, and strategies. Your class will select one pitch to present as a solution to senior provincial leadership. The workshops and modules will support your classroom's preparation for their final presentation.

Celebrate Together

The solutions to the Real World Labour Market Challenges that your classroom addresses will be awesome! Wrap up the challenge with your class, in a final pitch event attended by senior government leaders. Selected student groups will be presenting their pitch. Students complete a survey to share with GNB and CCDF their experience to keep the Challenges going year after year. Their feedback will directly inform future Challenges!