Workshop Introduction

Overview & Introduction

Through these online modules, students will learn about the relationship between themselves and the labour market. They will explore, identify, and implement a solution to a labour market challenge, and share their solutions and recommendations with the Government of New Brunswick through a final product and presentation.

These workshops are built on the principles of project-based learning and all activities can be done as individuals, in groups or as a class. All the information that you'll need to start, finish, and submit your final product is available in each of the workshops. Start here, at the introduction, and then complete the rest of the workshops in order. Each workshop is designed to be completed within 45 minutes to an hour. Workshops have four sections (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate) that are four natural checkpoints to stop at, especially if your class is doing an extension exercise.

On each workshop page there is:

  • a hosted video with four sections that can be started and stopped at any point
  • a downloadable PowerPoint presentation with notes to be facilitated fully by the teacher
  • a key terms list for each workshop
  • a list of questions to explore for each workshop for curious students
  • at least one workshop-specific activity that supports exploration of the workshop's topic, career exploration, and the labour market
  • extension activities or resources for students or classrooms who are looking for more
  • a question form for students or teachers who have a question they would like to ask the organization posing the Real World Challenge. All submitted questions will receive a response.

At a Glance

Here you'll find a brief overview of all 4 workshops in the Real World LMI Challenge series at a glance. It may be useful to find a topic easily.

Workshop 1 - Choose New Brunswick?

Learn about the role that the Government of New Brunswick plays in the labour market, in the work/employment decisions that are made every day. Begin to think about a labour market challenge that the Government of New Brunswick's Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training, and Labour (PETL) faces, and consider what PETL is already doing to address the challenge.

Workshop 2 - Investigating Opportunities

In order to be effective to students, Labour Market Information (LMI) must become meaningful and personal. Students will have an opportunity to explore what the labour market means to them, learn about the kind of information that can be found in LMI, and understand how LMI can inform career decisions inside, and outside of the province of New Brunswick.

Workshop 3 - Develop a Solution

Now that students understand the labour market challenge and its context, and have made the labour market meaningful to them, it's time to start developing a solution. This workshop asks students to begin to look at how the research they have done to date can inform a solution, and offers students an outline and structure to plan how they'll implement their solution, and what needs to happen.

Workshop 4 - Pitch and Present

While not every student solution will be presented live to employees at the Government of New Brunswick, students should have the opportunity to present their solutions to their teacher. This workshop supports quality communication and presentation, showcasing their potential solution, and offering a platform for their solution product/prototype to be showcased.

What You Need

  • Desktop or Laptop Computer

  • Internet Connection

  • Keyboard, Mouse, or Trackpad

  • Headphones

  • Printer

  • Pens and Pencils

  • Creative Resources

The creative resource you need will depend on the final product that you choose. The resources could be PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Canva, Instagram, art supplies, or something else specific to a creative final product.


Each workshop has various facilitation options and associated resources. Teachers can choose to present the materials in the way that makes the most sense for their class.

Teachers can select the timeframe that works best within their class schedule to facilitate the four workshops.

Suggested Timeline



Confrontez-vous à l’Enjeu de marché du travail! Inscrivez votre groupe aujourd’hui en cliquant sur le bouton COMMENCER dans le coin supérieur droit de la page. L’équipe responsable du projet vous guidera tout au long de votre parcours.

Animez les ateliers

Tout le matériel des ateliers est disponible en ligne. Commencez par consulter la page Présentation des ateliers. L’animation des 4 ateliers peut se faire n’importe quand au cours du semestre. Prévoyez entre 8 et 10 cours pour voir tout le contenu et voir les présentations de tous les élèves. Ensemble, vous et vos élèves allez résoudre des problèmes et proposer des solutions à l’Enjeu de marché du travail.

Soumettez les solutions de vos élèves

Une fois que les ateliers sont terminés, vos élèves présenteront leurs solutions fondées sur l’IMT, des exemples et des stratégies. Envoyez les solutions de vos élèves à l’Enjeu de marché du travail par courriel à Emily Worthen. Si les élèves souhaitent voir leurs solutions sur la page Célébrer les solutions, faites-le savoir à Marie-Anne, qui vous expliquera la marche à suivre. Nous adorons mettre en lumière les solutions des élèves sur notre site Web!

Célébrez ensemble

Les solutions à l’Enjeu de marché du travail que vos élèves imagineront seront formidables! Les élèves répondront à un sondage afin de faire part de leur expérience au gouvernement du Nouveau‑Brunswick et à la Fondation canadienne pour le développement de carrière, qui veilleront à ce que l’Enjeu revienne année après année. Leurs commentaires serviront à peaufiner le prochain Enjeu et les suivants! Regardez en classe les solutions d’élèves publiées sur la page Célébrer les solutions!