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About the Real World Challenges

Real World LMI is a collaborative initiative from the Government of New Brunswick and the Canadian Career Development Foundation

You'll love the Real World Challenges if you:

  • Work with high school students in New Brunswick's Anglophone School Districts
  • Are looking for workshops and resources to support your students -- no matter the subject
  • Are excited about bringing Career Connected learning to your professional development as an educator.

How it Works

Educators across New Brunswick are using the Real World Challenges with groups of students or their classrooms. The Real World Challenges are designed to integrate Project Based Learning with any curriculum outcome, and any size group. Sign up your group, and Emily Worthen from CCDF will support you through the process. Facilitate the workshops and use the resources with your students to create solutions to the labour market challenge. Using project-based learning principles, your class will and deliver a final product(s) or presentation(s) showcasing their solutions to their classmates. Some students may be invited to present at a live event to New Brunswick government employees.

Sign Up

Fill out the form to commit to completing the challenges with your group at the end of the semester.

Workshops and Resources

Use and facilitate the Workshops and Resources available to you. Don't hesitate to connect with the Emily from the Canadian Career Development Foundation for brainstorming, other resources, or with your questions!

Wrapping Up

Wrapping up is integrated as part of the suggested workshop process. Students will present the solutions to the challenges to their class. Send all or some of the solutions to Emily, and deliver a wrap-up survey with your students. Each student that completes the survey will impact the longevity of this project!

Created as a response to a growing need for career education integrated throughout the curriculum. The Real World Labour Market Challenges allow students to see themselves outside of the classroom, to understand their role in the labour market, and use labour market information to inform career decision-making.

Suggested Timeline


Registration Opens

Commit to take the Real World Labour Market Challenge by contacting us. The project team will support you every step of the way.

Participate in the Workshops

Workshop materials become available on March 11th, 2024. Classes can engage in the 4 workshops at anytime between March 11th and the end of April.  Together, your classroom will problem-solve and propose a solution to a Real World Challenge offered by the Government of New Brunswick by May 3rd.

Submit Your Class Pitch

After completing the workshops your class will have presented their LMI-based solutions, examples, and strategies. Your class will select one pitch to present as a solution to senior provincial leadership. The workshops and modules will support your classroom's preparation for their final presentation.

Celebrate Together

The solutions to the Real World Labour Market Challenges that your classroom addresses will be awesome! Wrap up the challenge with your class, in a final pitch event attended by senior government leaders. Selected student groups will be presenting their pitch. Students complete a survey to share with GNB and CCDF their experience to keep the Challenges going year after year. Their feedback will directly inform future Challenges!

Join a Community of Educators

Across New Brunswick, teachers are taking up the Real World Labour Market Challenge and implementing project-based learning in their classrooms. 

Involve Your Students in their Career

Students who are connected with their own career development are individuals better prepared to help themselves and support their communities. By introducing students with the skills to understand and use labour market information they jump-start their success, and increase their community contribution. 

Connect with Real World Community Challenges

When students leave their classroom environment, they begin to participate and contribute to their communities. Project-based learning offers students a new lens and new vocabulary to see and experience their community in action.

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Change Your Community, Challenge your Classroom


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Career Connected Teachers



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